
Fully automated release process for Python packages

Using GitHub actions to have a fully controlled and automated release process

Maintaining a Python package puts you in front of the choice of how to handle the release/ci process. Working in teams adds another level of complexity to it: Everybody should follow certain rules so the whole release process works flawlessly. Even if we are only a two-man team and our project does not have a crazy-complicated release process, having this whole process automated can make things much easier. In this article, I want to introduce our release process based on GitHub action and apps. The code examples shows can be found in this template project

The commit

Let’s start at the beginning. Assuming somebody is creating a commit, e.g. adding a new feature. Since we are following the Conventional commit guidelines the commit message could look like this feat: add an awesome new feature. To make sure, that the commit has a suitable name, the code is formatted correctly, etc we use pre-commit hooks. Quite a lot of stuff is happening there. After code-checking with Black, isort, pylint, etc. the pre-commit hooks also checks if the poetry.lock file - which manages die dependencies - is updated and conforms to the dependencies in the pyproject.toml file.

To not break the conventional commit guidelines the pull requests to develop need to have as the title the name of the commit. So in this example, it would be: feat: add an awesome new feature. But what if the user just renames the PR wrongly, not following the guidelines? For this, we have a GitHub action which checks the PR title. This helps enforce expressive commit names.

develop to main

The project contains of two protected branches. develop and main. In develop, we collect the new features, bug fixes, etc. main represents the state of production. After the successful commit and a squash-merge - which is used to “hide” all the irrelevant commits, and after we collected the selection of features and fixes in the develop branch. We create a pull request merging develop into main.

Usually, the approval of this PR is just a formality. The same applies to the checks. For merging, we want to use fast-forward merge. Unfortunately, GitHub does not provide this feature. So we decided to use Mergify for it. It automatically merges the PR once it is approved and all checks have passed. The mergify.yml file is used to configure it.

- name: Develop to main fast-forward merge
  - and:
	  - base=main
	  - head=develop
	  - -conflict
	method: fast-forward

Here we tell Mergify to make a fast-forward merge from head to base only if no merge conflicts occurred.

The release

We are nearly done with the complete release process. Just a few steps left. Right now all new features and bug fixes are in develop and main. So both branches point to the same commit. So far so good. Let’s release.

Automatically after the merge to the main branch the release actions have started.

Release, please

We are using Google’s release please for creating a change log and raising the package version in the pyproject.toml file. This release action creates a meaningful change log with the help of conventional commits. Check out the sk-transformers change log for an example.


As soon as the release action has been executed, the deployment action is started. Since we use Poetry for dependency management we also use it for the deployment of the package. After installing it, the deployment process is pretty straightforward:

poetry config pypi-token.pypi $
poetry publish --build

Nothing more happens here. Next up: deployment of the documentation.


For automatically creating an documentation we use MkDocs, mkdocstrings as well as Material for MkDocs to create an easy-to-navigate and beautiful-looking documentation.

Another fast-forward merge

There is still an open question. What happened to the CHANGELOG.md? It was created by the release-please action. But where did this file ended up? In the main branch. So now main is ahead of develop 🤔. To bring both branches again in sync we need to merge main into develop. This is again automatically done by using Mergify.

This is it! The package has successfully deployed, main and develop are in sync and ready to continue working with them.

There is something more

As already mentioned, one reason for this automated process is the insight, that humans make mistakes. They give meaningless commit names like ..., they accidentally use the wrong merge function on GitHub or they create a pull request to the wrong base branch. Using pre-commit hooks and Mergify already helped to avoid the first two human-errors. But what about the latter? For this, we created some GitHub actions (pr-check.yml) that close invalid pull requests and write a comment to let the user know about his misbehavior:

🚨 🚨 🚨
Merging the `$` branch into `main` is not allowed.
Only `develop` (and release branches) can be merged into `main`.

**This pull request will be closed**❗️

Et voilà! Problem solved.

Some final words

Setting up those different actions lettings they work together successfully, implementing Mergify, etc. Was definitely not very easy. Debugging CI-stuff is always a hassle. But it was worth it. Our project is now safe from human mistakes - at least most of them - and the full automation is so comfortable that a whole release feels like a single commit.

Thanks for reading. I wish you all a great amount of success.